My Summer Bucket List

It’s that time of year again…the time where we sit down with our kids and each of us write out our summer bucket lists.

We haven’t always made summer bucket lists… Pam introduced me to the idea in one of her posts 4 summers ago. I remember being like ” how come I’ve never thought of this before??”. Since then we’ve made it a tradition…and we love that it gives us a go-to when we are planning our weeks or when we find ourselves with some chunks of free time. I’m a lover of a structure-free summer but having a list makes sure that we will be more purposeful in doing activities together as a family as well as some getting some personal challenges met.

Here are some things I’d like to accomplish this summer:

  1. Hike more. I love getting out to exercise and make the most of the warm weather while we have it. Two hikes that I’ve yet to do but have been wanting to are: Joffre Lake, the Chief in Squamish. If I even get to just one of them, it’ll be a win! I’d also like to take our dog, Ozzy, on a hike. He’s a farm dog but I’m betting he would totally take the lead if given the chance!
  2. Host a brunch on my back patio. I don’t know who and when, but I’ve got some great visions in my head on how it’s going to go down!
  3. A family bike ride around Stanley Park. This is an annual thing…we like to make a day of it (I shared our usual routine here). Each year, we switch up the eating as new resties come on board that we are eager to try, but the bike riding is a MUST.
  4. Go to the drive-in. This one is already checked off the list…ya! It is a long running tradition for 4 of us families to kick off summer by catching an outdoor flick and eating copious amounts of popcorn and candy. The best part is that us moms never even actually watch the movie because we’re too busy visiting….literally the only movie “theatre” where you won’t get shushed!
  5. Make jam/ do some preserving. Growing up, I remember  my mom always doing some jamming and canning during summer. Not sure why I never have tried my hand at it, but I’d love to make a big batch of pickles the way my mom used to (they are the best!). I’d also like to make some jams that will keep us stocked during the year.
  6. Take each of my kids out for a one on one date. Individual time with the kids isn’t in abundant supply which is all the more reason to be purposeful in making it happen.
  7. Watch a sunrise. I really really want to.
  8. Get better at hand lettering… Pam and I just took a mini class last week and it was so-o fun. I’m excited to keep working at it.


If you have younger kids, this is an awesome list that you can fill out as a family. I love that they give some lead-in words to get you as a family to come up with some seriously creative ideas:

You can print out this list here.

Hope you have fun filling out a list that covers all sorts of things…some that might even push you to do something you wouldn’t normally! And most of all, hope your list gives you more time to spend with those you love…let’s make this the best summer break ever!

Laurel xo