Fall Reboot

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So, it’s official…the kids are back in school…I can’t deny it any longer!  A friend of mine told me on the weekend that she views September like a new year…a new start!  I started thinking about that and decided to embrace this fall as a reboot.  It almost makes more sense to treat September as a fresh start as routines and schedules are being established instead of waiting until January. So, here are a few things that I’m trying this fall…

1. Keto Diet – Ok, I really hate the word “diet”, so I would rather call this a healthy, clean eating plan.  I’ve been doing a bit of research and am going to follow the ketosis diet guidelines…lots of vegetables (local and in season as much as possible), hormone-free proteins, healthy fats (think avocado and coconut oil) and limiting carbs.  This blog is an excellent resource.  I really enjoyed my summer and indulged in lots of treats, but I can tell my body needs a sugar detox, so here we go!  A great app to keep track of carbs and exercise is Carb Manager.  You can search various foods and it will give you the nutritional information and also track what you’ve eaten that day.   So I apologize in advance for the barrage of healthy recipes that may be posted in the new few weeks! *

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2. Barre Class – when I was down in California this summer, a friend invited me to take a barre class.  I almost politely declined as I had never taken a class before, but then I gave myself a quick internal pep talk and tried it out!  It was super challenging, but I loved it and felt it was such a great workout…strength training and stretching.  I can’t wait to get started with a class here!  As you are getting started with new routines, this is a great time to schedule in time for yourself…even if it’s time to walk with a friend.  I find I have to schedule in work out time, or it just doesn’t happen. *

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3. Get to Bed Earlier – Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a serious night owl.  I strongly believe that nothing good happens before 8am…but that’s because I’ve usually been up until past 1am the night before.  It’s amazing how much I can get done when the house is quiet.  I often joke that Jason and I are on two different time zones as he’s often been in bed several hours before I crawl under the sheets.  But I’ve been reading more and more about the importance of getting 7-9 hours of sleep to improve your overall health.  So, here’s to getting off of Pinterest before midnight and reducing those bags under my eyes!

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So, I’m looking at September as a fresh start…a chance to schedule in and establish better life habits.  I’d love to hear if you have any fall goals or new things that you are going to start!

* I do not recommend or endorse any diet or exercise plan.  This are just a few things I’m trying.  Always consult your physician before starting any diet or exercise plan.