Sweet Start ~ Accomplishing Fitness Goals One Day at a Time!



Marnie is a friend of ours that we met when our oldest girls started kindergarten…wow…that’s like 10 years ago!  For real! We’ve always admired her positive spirit and her easy going nature !!!  You come away feeling good after you’ve had a visit with her.  Recently, she has started encouraging women and men to get into shape by hosting challenge groups on Facebook.  Laurel started with the 30 day plank challenge…after a month, Laurel could do a 5 minute plank….I’m NOT kidding!!  And we both just completed a 30 day squat challenge.  We made it to 250 squats…that’s a lot of thigh burn! Marnie sends reminders and encouragements each day and then we check in and say when we’ve completed the exercises for that day!  It’s a fantastic way to be accountable and accomplish a fitness goal….on day at a time!  It’s a great way to workout without going to a gym, but it can also compliment other workout plans.  What’s next…the ab challenge…just in time for beach season!

We asked Coach Marnie why she has started these groups and why she loves to encourage people to accomplish their fitness goals.  Here’s what she had to say….

I’ve always been a motivator and encourager…it’s my passion!   I have often wondered what is my purpose?  Well, I believe I am a helper person…that is ME!  So if I do something that I love and can help people, it makes me feel happy! And this also ties in with my work as a Support Outreach Worker for the past 7 years.  I love to see people achieve goals and stay on task and be accountable.  I’m also a promoter… if I like something I like to promote it !!   When the opportunity to be a Beach Body Coach came along I was stoked.  I’ve always been into health, fitness and nutrition.  But I needed to test out the accountability groups and products first.  I joined some accountability groups and the rest is history. I loved it!!!

I tried some full challenge groups for 21 days which incorporate a healthy meal plan, a health meal replacement, and a workout DVD (25-30 minutes of your day).  It’s perfect for anyone who has a busy life and can’t necessarily make a workout at a specific time.  Or you can add it to your regular schedule of other workouts…it can be incorporated easily. Being accountable is HUGE and this is done by signing in daily on a Facebook group, which is what I need to keep me going!   This propelled me into action…I prayed about this and my coaching days began!

I LOVE to help set goals for others and see their achievements…always have.   The accountability also keeps ME on top of my workouts and nutrition!  I feel great!  I am not striving for perfection but just to be better than I was yesterday and to share that with others (ok, I seriously LOVE this!)   And it’s okay to not be perfect and it’s okay to have a treat but then to get back on track and not have life all about indulging.   Our bodies are our temples… if we don’t have our physical bodies feeling good we are selling ourselves short.  So I like to invite anyone, men and women, looking to get some fitness and nutrition motivation and encouragement to join me in a fun, flexible, accountability group!

Coach Marnie has a free 5 day clean eating group challenge and many free 30 day one exercise challenges.  You can check out her Facebook page here for more information as well as  full package deals and she’s on Instagram. She wants to help you feel better and accomplish your goals and she’s committed to helping you…and I…get ‘er done!

Thanks Marnie for being such an inspiration to me…oh, and for helping me get my abs in shape for summer….just completed day 5 of the ab challenge.  Bring on the six pack!