Friday Find- THE Sweater for 2014

Scott often says that when have a piece of clothing that i really love i tend to kill it…not in a good like “i’m killin it” kind of way.  More like i wear it to death..oops! This cape may fall into that category..but i kinda don’t care! It’s too good. I call it my capette. A cape slash blanket. Cuz if it had to sleep with it, i surely could.

Dare i say that this is THE sweater of the year? I surely do…you might just want to try one on for size yourself. Super cozy and perfect for the days that you don’t want a jacket but need a little warmth. It goes with everything. So i’m wearing it with everything. Anyone got a problem with that?

aritzia cape

The Community Ionic Cape from Aritizia

aritzia cape1

ps. i may or may not have gone back for the navy one too…ummm….#sorrynotsorry