Friday Find – Valentine DIY

Today’s Friday Find is a simple Valentine’s Day DIY that is incredibly endearing..and personalized just for your love.

valentines usb3

I find it difficult to think beyond the obvious gifts for Valentines..don’t get me wrong, there is ALWAYS a place for chocolate (like a couple bites every evening, thank you!), but what do you do when your Valentine doesn’t really have a sweet tooth? This is my sitch!  And truth be told, i’m a bit of a sap and think if there’s any time of the year where gifts of the heart are appropriate, it’s heart day!



-a little box

-pretty string or ribbon

Do-able right?

Take some time to compile a playlist of songs for your Valentine…songs that have special sentiment tied to them, songs that you both love and ones that you both hear and break out into the little funky chicken to! Load the playlist on the USB and give the gift of some special tunes!

I’m also working on a slideshow of my favorite moments with Scott to include on the USB…i love the idea of gathering a virtual “stack” of our photos in one place…and have them at the tip of his fingers in amongst the spreadsheets and budgets that gobble up his computer screen!!

valentines usb