Last Friday night, Jason and I went on a date. We had dinner and then had a bit of time to kill before the movie. We were in Langley, so I suggested we check out Army & Navy. Shockingly, Jason had never been there!! Army & Navy is known as “Canada’s Original Discount Deparment Store”, and seriously, you can find almost anything there!!! Not only did we pick up Mac a fishing rod for his birthday, there were also lots of Steve Madden shoes! But what really caught my eye was some cool entertaining pieces for literally a buck or a few!

Old fashioned sugar shakers…. just $1.49 each. I love the retro design. I don’t know if your kids are like mine, but my kids love sugar on their crepes and I’m tired of finding a thin layer of sugar on my counters after they’ve tried to spoon it out of the sugar bowl! Voila…problem solved!

These bottles with metal spouts are a bargain at $1.99. Not only are they perfect for your olive oil and vinegar, I like to use mine (similar) for dispensing dish soap. It just looks a little more polished than the plastic squeeze bottle!

I know I’ve said it before, but food just looks better on white serving pieces. This large plate is almost 11″ x 14″. I can see using this to bring goodies or appies to a function and leaving it as a hostess gift! I know I’d love to receive it and no ones needs to know that it was only $3.99!
One thing you might not know about me is that I troll dollar stores for finds. My fave BY FAR is Dollarama! This dollar store chain brings in some seriously cool stuff! This is my more recent find…

I love that these trays are rectangular…it makes them a bit more modern. The slightly curved edges make it easier to transport goodies!
These trays are perfect when you are asked to bring food or goodies somewhere and you’re not sure if you are going to get your dish back or you might have to leave early and don’t want to have to retrieve it later. At 67 cents a piece, I won’t shed a tear if I don’t get this tray back!
Keep your eyes open in discount and dollar stores…you never know what you’ll find and no one has to know where you got it!