Today we find ourselves in a tropical paradise celebrating Christmas!!! Some say it’s not Christmas without snow, but I disagree. For most of my life growing up, I celebrated Christmas in the traditional way….Christmas Eve programmes at church, opening gifts around the tree Christmas morning, extended family gatherings and I loved it. But now that I have my own family, we are building new traditions and Christmas to me is about spending it with the people I love, celebrating the most incredible gift of Jesus coming to earth. To me it’s also about the gift of time…time spent together as a family. Christmas can be celebrated anywhere and in many different ways. This morning, we are going to church on a beach!! Now, that’s a new tradition I could get used to.
Laurel and Iwould like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends…and take some time to remember the real reason for Christmas!
Here are a few of our memories from Christmases past!

I think this was Jason's all time favourite gift. A camo, fleece "sleeper". He wore it all Christmas Day!

Jason explaining the lengths he went to to get me these fabulous red shoes. Told you he's a great shopper!

Dylan and Melina in matching princess outfits. These matched the outfits they got for their Bitty Baby Dolls....and yes, that's Scott in the background with a Flames jersey on. Booooooo!
One of our best Christmases was our missions trip to Thailand in December 2008….
The kids performed at malls around Bangkok on Christmas Day!