Remembrance Day

lest we forget

Today marks Remembrance Day… a day dedicated to all those who have fought for our freedom…and for their families as well. Ironically (or maybe not) I read a book this past week…a real life account that took place during WWII. I was struck with the devastation and loss but also the bravery…the faith…the courageous spirit of those who endured. It really is hard for us to grasp that kind of sacrifice.

Yesterday while making dinner, i happened to look out the window to see that amongst the clouds a wee opening showed a bright pink brilliance of the sun setting. It was beautiful. And seemed very apropros in light of the freedom that we have. We indeed are so grateful for the liberty we ourselves did not earn.

In an endeavor to pay respect to today’s holiday, our regular post has been delayed until tomorrow…We’d love to see you come back and visit for a “Thursday” read… Until then, we hope you can take a a moment to remember and give thanks.


Image source: unknown