Friday Find | Lunch Bags

We used to post a Friday Find each week…a little life changing tip that you just need to know about.  Today I’m bringing the Friday Find back.  Brown paper lunch bags!  Life changing…hmmm??

The girls and I ate a Public School 805 when we were in California a few weeks ago and they served their fries in the coolest way! Berkeley pointed out that they used a cut off brown paper lunch bag.  So simple, but such a great idea.  It kept the fries nicely contained and portioned.  Lunch bags are easy to get, inexpensive and recyclable.  That got me thinking….

Almost every time I’ve entertained this summer I have put out a tray for s’mores.  I’ve struggled with which containers to use to make it look nice but not be worried about kids bumping them over onto the concrete patio.  Then I remembered the lunch bags.

So, it’s super simple…unfold the bottom of the lunch bag and cut it depending on how deep you want the “container” to be.  I “made” bags for milk and dark chocolate, graham crackers, waffle cookies and marshmallows.

lunch bag2


lunch bag3

This is a great idea for portioning out chips, popcorn, and serving different types of crackers with a charcuterie board.

Not a bad idea, right? Might even be life changing!?!