Front Entry Spruce Up

My front door is pretty blahhh…the truth is that about 90% of the people that come to our house come through our garage and into my laundry room (that’s a whole other makeover post that i really REALLY hope to do one day!). Probably another 5% go to our back patio door…and only a few lonely stragglers make their way to the front door. Pretty sure i’ll be better with our house planning next time around! The little use of this area has, in turn, meant it has received very little of my attention. And it showed..badly. Here she is:

front entry

Following a thorough washing down, glass cleaning and paint touch up, i wanted to give the entrance a more inviting appearance..maybe try to lure some visitors that way. I also didn’t want to spend much money. That meant that the frosted glass sidelights would not be changed for something newer and more modern…it meant re-purposing what i had, with a couple of new accents.

Simple and not over the top, but i think it looks much more welcoming. Like maybe someone actually lives in this house!


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I wanted to keep the plants muted and low maintenance but a pop of colour was still needed in some shape or form…which brought me to Homesense! I wandered those aisles until i found this quirkly little garden ball in brilliant orange. Done deal! I also scored the all weather rattan planter. It gave some much needed height to this large open space. i also think it will be perfect year round…possibly visualizing a little mini Christmas tree with lights in winter? OK, let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

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The pillows were a couple of years old and had been collecting dust in my basement. They now have a new home! I do usually take them in at night just so that they can escape the morning dew…and perhaps a lone coyote or neighbourhood dog!

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Out came the withered old plants in my cement planters…and in went lovely succulents. These are a favourite of mine. Incredibly low maintenance, they survive if you forget to water them for days on end. That kind of forgiveness is what i need! They are also super reasonable…each of the succulents cost a whopping $2.98  and the grasses in the tall planter ranged between $1.98 and $4.98.

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I had thoughts of changing up the entry mat, but was told in no uncertain terms by the kids that this was the Edwards household and they wanted it kept that way. Gotcha.. it stayed.  So, welcome to the Edwards household!

front entry6_edited-2Just a couple of changes but enough that i think i don’t have to apologize profusely the next time someone harkens the front entrance….