It’s a bit ironic that I am writing this considering that Laurel posted a chickpea chocolate chip cookie recipe yesterday (we didn’t talk about our posts this week!). I haven’t tried them yet…but it’s brilliant to have a healthy version for an every day treat. But I have to admit that I am a sucker for a good, old-fashioned chocolate chip cookie every so often! With a grande upside down Americano….I’m taken to my happy place!
A few weeks back one of our friends tried a recipe for what is called “The Only Chocolate Chip Cookies I Will Ever Need to Know How to Make For the Rest of My Life”. She said they were amazing and my girls agreed but it was a 36 hour process to make them!! Ok, I don’t know if I’m up for that sort of time commitment even for a really amazing cookie. The recipe stresses the need for high quality chocolate chips or chunks (I agree!), such as Ghirardelli 60% cacao content, which by the way, you can find at Target! She has since made them again and shortened up the chilling time and she was just a pleased with the end product!
Dylan and Melina just completed their science fair project “Operation Cookie Monster”. They experimented with changing the amount of flour, baking powder, and butter to see how it changed the cookie. We looked up information to find out what makes a more crispy or chewy or cakey cookie here. More flour made a more “cakey” cookie. It got me thinking about what really makes the “best” chocolate chip cookie….
I prefer a soft, yet somewhat dense chewy cookie, a little soft in the middle with lots of chocolate chunks. How’s that for specific! This weekend I had a smoked almond chocolate chip cookie from Harvest Store + Cafe and it was ridiculous…in a good way. The smokiness and saltiness of the almonds paired perfectly with the dark chocolate chunks! Yup…I’m a believer in this combo!
How do you prefer your chocolate chip cookie?

Are you ready for this? These are Brown Butter Brown Sugar Almond Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt from Ambitious Kitchen. I’m in! Image
If you search “Best Chocolate Chip Cookies” on Pinterest, literally hundreds of recipes come up. And then there is, of course, the urban legend about the $250 Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookie recipe. The legend is apparently untrue, but the recipe is said to be pretty darn good. So what really makes the BEST chocolate chip cookie?? Brown sugar versus white sugar?? Chips versus chunks?? Oats?? Chilling the batter?? Size of the cookie?
So, I’m asking for help! I haven’t yet found a go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe that truly is the best!! Do you have a favorite recipe?? Please share it here in the comments!! I’m on the hunt!