Pam and i have been on a yearlong journey of stepping up our health. When it comes to food, the rule has been pretty simple: Less crap in. Easy? Well, in many ways yes…we both made some lifestyle changes: cleaner eating with large amounts of veggies and lean protein for our meals. We love food and there will always be a place for indulging but during the week, we try to keep it as clean and healthful as possible.
Wednesday evening, Pam and i had the pleasure of attending a Vitala Foods dinner…and touring their ecodairy. Who’d have thought blogging would include watching a cow get milked by a robot (fascinating by the way!!)? Let me say this is not a sponsored post…i honestly just kinda grabbed on to what the Vitala products stand for. I especially honed in on their free run and DHA Omega-3 eggs that also are a huge source of Vitamin D. It’s all about making small do-able changes right?
Not to get all scientific-y on you, but Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because exposing your skin to the sun is the most effective way of generating Vit D in our bodies. For us BC coast folk, we say goodbye to the sunshine in great part for many of the fall and winter months. That’s where these “sunshine” eggs step in…they contain 100% of your daily Vitamin D requirements. Wow! How do they do that? Well, the hens are fed with vitamin D enriched plant sources. In laymans terms: Vitamin D in? Vitamin D out. Sounds good to me.
To top it off, Shop Local. It’s just better. Click here to find your local grocer. Save-On Foods, Price Smart and Urban Fare to name a few for you!
ps their eggs are brown…i like that.
*images via Vitala Foods