Hope you’re feeling some extra special love today from the people dearest to your heart.. i also hope you’re spreading your love right back at them!

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Today is a full one for our household, but i’m looking forward to the kids discovering a little red treat in their dance/hockey bags (thank you ChocolaTas!) and to spending some time with Scott this evening once all my chickies are safely tucked into their nest. You carve out the time where you can!
My sis-in-law introduced me to Brooke Fraser …and i’ve loved her music ever since. Seriously, i close my eyes and i’m relaxing in an overstuffed couch in a dimly light lounge without a worry…sigh…
Today seems like a goody to share one her songs with you! Kinda appropriate for Valentine’s…Brooke Fraser’s “Without You”
Enjoy it, sisters!! And hope you get a moment to let your “Without You” person know how grateful and blessed you are to have them in your life.