Admittedly, St. Paddy’s Day is just a regular day around our place…with the exception of some random pinches, it comes and goes without much fanfare.
This year, though, i thought it might be fun to “engage” myself…but without a bunch of work. Could it be done? Yes!!! I threw together a quirky breakfast in about 1/2 an hour! With the help of Thoughtfully Simple and their idea for green pancakes, i was set! It’s almost embarassing to admit how simple the pancakes were….throw in some green food coloring to your batter and BAM! Hello, St. Paddy!
The decor was fast and simple, but fit the bill! Chickabug has these uber cute free printables on their site, designed by for St. Paddy’s Day!! Love them! There are circles, straw flags, water bottle labels and printed papers. Literally, you print them out, cut them and your decor is DONE!

St. Patrick's Day printables...for free!

Pretty easy crowd to please...pancakes and milk? Nirvana!

Loved these labels for water bottles. Something for the kids to tote for the day and know that their mom was thinking of them!

Simple Green

The coveted "No pinching" flag

Ok...after i took a few "posed" pics, they cut me off...time to eat!
Half an hour? Yup…pretty short amount of time to throw together a mini celebration of sorts! Might just become a tradition…