Spring isn’t quite here, but the instinct to purge my house of anything extraneous is! And included on the “i haven’t used this in a year, so i’m never going to use it” list was a bunch of vases i had accumulated over the years. Not particularly pretty (ummm..actually ugly) , i had no use for them…until i read a blog post on Centsational Girl. I was inspired by a her “do it yourself” painted dessert dishes (which i still plan on doing!!). Here’s the transformation:

your standard vase....boring!

Spray your vases with Frosted Glass Spray Paint, available at many stores. I found mine at Walmart. This paint has me thinking of lots of other projects i could tackle!

choose a paint that gives you the pop of color you're in search of...i couldn't decide so i bought all three!

my primitive "paint booth", but hey, it does the job! One coat of frosted paint...it dries in 10 minutes!

Today i opted for orange...painted and given new life!

I chose a monochromatic punch of color in my master ensuite

A little bit of SPRING on this cold wintery day...
Thanks, Centsational Girl, for reminding me that even this “craft impaired” girl can transform some old glass into art armed with nothing more than a can of spray paint!