2. Hand tattoos. Your kids will have fun with these! http://www.zgallerie.com/p-11092-robot-dino-hand-tattoos.aspx $8.95
3. Bedside Carafe http://www.zgallerie.com/p-11160-pill-carafes.aspx $7.95 These compact versions are too cute!
4. Bliss Lemon+Sage Body Butter 1.7 oz size is the perfect size for your purse $6
http://www.sephora.com/browse/product.jhtml?id=P258625&categoryId=B70 The scent is so fresh!! This is one of my faves! You can often find Bliss products at Winners and Marshalls. I’ve purchased Bliss Lemon+Sage Shampoo, Conditioner and Soapy Sap for $9.99 each.
5. Cell phone charging platform http://www.restorationhardware.com/catalog/product/product.jsp?productId=prod1644245&categoryId=cat1710046 $8
6. Straw glasses $8…not just for kids!
7. Cozy socks that moisturize!
http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11884000&cp=12195129.12312405.12320348 $7.50
8. Seche Vite Top Coat – the best one out there! Dries super fast $9
9. Candle in a tin. $5.60 Volupspa candles have the best scents and are so pretty! http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/gifts/Truffle-White-Cocoa-Mini-Tin/806644656128-item.html?ikwid=volupspa&ikwsec=Home
10. Truffle oil $9.99 http://www.amazon.com/Black-Truffle-Oil-1-86-oz/dp/B0002NYNYO/ref=sr_1_1?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1320737722&sr=1-1 Look for this item at HomeSense, Marshall and TJ Maxx as well. Add it to mashed potatoes homemade mac and cheese, cauliflower mash. This is the perfect hostess gift!
11. Hoops from American Eagle Outfitters on sale for $9.99
12. Personalized note pad $7.50 http://www.stickpeoplepress.com/#!product With over 350 characters to choose from, this makes a very personalized gift. This is the perfect gift for teachers, coaches, babysitters, and of course, families!