I really do love a good cup of coffee. Laurel and I definitey share a mutual love of our caffeine! In San Fran, we hit two coffee shops that we had seen a lot of buzz about on the Twitterverse…Philz Coffee and Blue Bottle Coffee. And drip coffee is on the rise! You call it the pour over method and wow! It really makes a smooth cuppa joe! The great thing is all you really need is a pour over brewer, a filter, ground coffee (grind on number 2 or 3) and hot water. It’s recommended that you pour the water into the cone filter cone very slowly. You can see more info here on this method of brewing.
When I returned home and was visiting a friend, she made me a cup of coffee exactly this way!! She said that they used to call it “camping coffee” or “cowboy coffee” because that’s how they made it when they were out in the woods! And they discovered that their “cowboy coffee” tasted much better than their machine brewed coffee at home!

Starbucks Classic Pour-Over Brewer (ceramic). Image
So, if an Americano is your coffee of choice, you really don’t need to buy a high end espresso machine. You just need a $11.45 pour over brewer (click here to purchase online)!
You can also order your coffee this way in-store at Starbucks. Just ask for “pour over” and the type of coffee beans you want!